Latest iOS update fixes iPhone charging problems

By Staff Writer | 09 Oct 2018 at 11:05hrs
Apple has released an update for iOS 12 which fixes several bugs experienced by iPhone Xs and Xs Max users, The Verge reports.

iOS 12.0.1 fixes a major charging issue experienced by owners of the company's latest devices, where the Lightning charging cable was not recognised when the display was off.

Upon inserting the charger into the device's port while the display is off, users reported that their iPhone would not automatically begin charging.

To begin charging the device, they needed to tap on the device's display to wake the smartphone.

Users can download the latest update by navigating to Settings > General > Software Update on their iPhone or iPad.

The patch notes for the iOS 12.0.1 update also point to corrections for a number of other bugs, including poor Wi-Fi connectivity and Bluetooth problems.



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