Musicians told to monetise social media

By Staff reporter | 07 Mar 2020 at 19:13hrs
Social media
Local musicians have been urged to use their social media and online platforms to earn revenue. This follows the realisation that most artistes, besides being active on social media, lack knowledge on how to monetise their huge following.

Some let different people post their videos on parallel YouTube channels, robbing them of possible revenue.

Others even allow their handlers to create social media accounts in their names and have unlimited access to their accounts to the extent that they are blocked out in the event of a fallout.

South Africa-based producer Joe Machingura of Hesh Mfesh Records said social media can benefit artistes if well utilised.

"Social media has given artistes a huge leap because what the radio and newspapers can't do, social media can do for them," he said.

"Things we needed to travel for are now accessible on social media. We used to travel to Gweru for radio interviews, but now you can have that from anywhere in the world and reach out to everyone.

"Social media has turned the world into a community, so artistes need to utilise and monetise that, otherwise if you don't seize the opportunity that social media has presented for artistes they will lag behind."

Machingura said while social media was good, it could be used to exploit artistes.

"It is an opportunity for them to be visible, but at the same time it's where people are exploiting artistes through music selling platforms," he said.

Machingura said there were platforms selling local music internationally, but failing to pay musicians. "It is unfortunate that there are many platforms who then pirate content," he said.

"If you report them it's quickly removed until the issue is sorted out. If artistes then keep quite then it will be their loss."

At one point, local content creators reported a YouTube account registered under Stewart Nyamayaro which was pirating content, especially music videos by renowned musicians.

There are also several accounts, especially on YouTube, that gain traction by posting music videos of late legends without the consent of their heirs. Piracy robs artistes of revenue when they would have invested large sums of money in content creation.



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