Adobe launches AI assistant to help Analytics users find deeper insights

By Staff reporter | 24 Sep 2018 at 21:07hrs
Adobe has launched a tool called AI Assist that will weave machine learning throughout its analytics platform with the aim of giving customers the ability to uncover currently unknown insights and understand business context, TechCrunch reported.

Adobe introduced an AI-fueled virtual assistant called Intelligent Alerts today to help users find deeper insights they might have otherwise missed.

John Bates, director of product management for Adobe Analytics noted that enterprises are only accessing 1 percent to 3 percent of the data produced and stored. Adobe's aim is to take the grunt work out of data science using AI and machine learning to create intelligent alerts and ultimately prescriptive analytics for businesses.

"AI Assist is introducing machine learning and AI into the interface. It will analyze preferences by user and highlight opportunities," said Bates. "The problem isn't the amount of data produced over time. The problem is the amount of data that's untapped."

For instance, AI Assist in Adobe Target may suggest an A/B test. It will also provide insights based on learned user habits and preferences. Bates added that AI Assist is designed to automate data mining because it's impossible to manually comb through the data.

Adobe spent years working with billions of data points on its platform to train users and ensure quality.



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