Samsung releases new SmartThings Tracker with LTE support

By Staff Writer | 11 Sep 2018 at 07:31hrs
Samsung has released a new SmartThings Tracker, a GPS tracker which uses LTE-M technology.

"LTE-M network technology provides a greater range of signal coverage over Bluetooth, allowing for better tracking accuracy when a SmartThings Tracker is indoors or below street level," said Samsung.

The device is aimed at users who want to keep track of valuable commodities, such as backpacks, keys, or their pets, said the company.

"Items can be easily tracked in real time through Samsung's Android and iOS SmartThings app."

SmartThings Trackers can also be used as an arrival sensor, triggering automations like a connected porch light turning on, it added.

Samsung added that the tracker will also allow family members to share location updates by pushing the SmartThings Tracker's power button twice.

This sends a notification to the SmartThings app, and the alert can only be seen by users with shared access.

Samsung's new SmartThings Tracker sells for $99 in the US. Monthly network charges may also apply.



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