Google Chrome will ad-block entire websites with abusive adverts

By Staff writer | 06 Nov 2018 at 06:49hrs
Google has announced that the next version of its Chrome browser will crack down on websites with abusive adverts.

The company said in a blog post that while it has launched features for Chrome to block misleading ads and pop-ups, this approach did not go far enough.

"More than half of these abusive experiences are not blocked by our current set of protections, and nearly all involve harmful or misleading ads," the company said.

As a result of this, Google said it would improve its tools to protect users against abusive adverts in Chrome 71.

Launching in December 2018, Chrome 71 will block all ads on websites which have abusive adverts that are misleading or harmful.

Website owners can use the Abusive Experiences Report to see if their site contains any of these abusive adverts.



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