Twitter will indicate when a reported tweet is taken down

By Staff Writer | 18 Oct 2018 at 15:36hrs
Twitter will soon include a feature that indicates to users when a reported tweet is taken down for violating Twitter's rules, according to The Verge.

The aim of this new feature is to give clarity to users that a tweet was forcibly taken down by Twitter because of rule-breaking, rather than simply being deleted by the user due to backlash.

Twitter product manager Sam Toizer said, "We will display a notice stating that the Tweet is unavailable because it violated the Twitter Rules along with a link to the rules and an article that provides more detail on how we enforce our rules."

"This notice will be displayed on both the account's profile and the specific Tweet for 14 days after the Tweet is deleted," he added.

Twitter is also taking steps to improve the users experience of the service after they have reported a tweet.

Twitter will now automatically hide tweets you have reported behind a notice.

This notice will read "You reported this tweet", with a button available next to the notice that will reveal the tweet, provided it hasn't been permanently removed by Twitter.



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