The centre, which is situated at the bank's Robert Mugabe branch will house money transfer agencies namely, Western Union, World Remit, MoneyGram, Mukuru, HelloPaisa and Xpresslinks
CBZ Managing Director Peter Zimunya said: "With the world now a Global Village, it is imperative for CBZ Bank to establish and grow strategic partners that will help us tap into various market segments such as the diaspora market. This is in line with our vision to be the preferred provider of financial solutions in Zimbabwe, with a global reach."
He said that more centres will be rolled out across the country in the near future.
Recently appointed Divisional Director Retail Banking Dedrey Mutimutema said that the launch is in line with the bank's thrust to provide fast and reliable service not only to its customers but the nation at large.
"We looked at the foreign remittances space and realised the amount of time people are spending in queues to collect their funds and a decision was made to intervene by coming up with an exclusive centre to facilitate ease of collection of funds."
The service will however still be available at all CBZ Bank branches to increase convenience.
"What makes the CBZ MTA Centre different is the level of customer experience which we have pitched at world-class levels. This is to ensure that our customers will enjoy a dedicated remittance business and refer friends and family to use the same facility," said Mutimutema.