Google integrates Lens with Image Search

By Staff Writer | 26 Oct 2018 at 08:50hrs
Google has announced that it is bringing its Lens technology to standard image searches.

Lens is an AI-powered tool used on smartphones that can recognise objects, landmarks, dog breeds, and more.

"Starting today, when you see something in an image that you want to know more about, like a landmark in a travel photo or wallpaper in a stylish room, you can use Lens to explore within the image," Google said in a blog post.

When the user presses the Lens button within Image Search, dots will appear on objects which they can learn more about.

Google said Lens integration with Image Search is now live on the mobile web for people in the United States.

The feature is currently only available to those searching in English, but will soon be rolled out to other countries and languages, the company said.



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